गाया है Hemant Kumar ने। लिखा है Majrooh ने। गीतायन पर खोजें

असल में

huaa jo kabhii raazii to milaa nahii.n kaazii

Ritu ने जैसा सुना/समझा
huaa jo kabhii raazii to milaa nahii.n *paajii*

बकौल Ritu,
"I could have sworn that it was 'paajii'" (From Y!Group Sangeet Ke Sitare)
2 की पसंद - मेरी भी!
अरे! मैंने भी यही समझा था!


Ritu ने लिखा,

I now realise what it is.. Hemant Kumar attempting urdu.. he says 'quaazi' instead of Kaazi. So it sounds like 'paaji'
Shruthi ने लिखा,
Until I read this, even I thought it was Paaji :)
Pramod ने लिखा,
till I knew what kaazii is I also said paaji, but even as a child I couldn't understand why one would need a paajii. maybe because he is so bholaa!

आपकी बात

आपका नाम

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